
Conference Presentations

Managing Concurrent Software Releases in Development and Test

There is an ever-growing need to provide complex software products to customers on a short development schedule. Additionally, the customers need to be able to count on release dates for planning purposes. Instead of investing in an entirely new tool set that solves the configuration management issues associated with supporting concurrent development and support, existing tools can be used. This paper focuses on how to adapt and in some cases enhance an existing set of well-known tools to enable Lucent to excel in the market place. To this end, this project chose to implement the Fixed Interval Feature Delivery (FIFD) model of software development.

David Shinberg, Lucent Technologies
A Disciplined Approach to High Velocity Software Development

When faced with the challenge of shortening delivery cycles, the old economy manufacturing companies utilized disciplined quality techniques to reduce scrap and rework and improve productivity. Software developers in the new economy face a similar challenge to accelerate development to meet critical time-to-market business goals brought about by the Internet. Unfortunately, many are abandoning disciplined methods in lieu of a risky "hack and test" approach with potential disastrous consequences for customers and developers. Learn of one company's transformation from ad hoc development to a disciplined and quantitatively managed enterprise. Discover why such a transformation is absolutely essential for high velocity software development.

Girish Seshagiri, Advanced Information Services, Inc.


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