Recent Q&A Activity

How to establish a team for IT operations using the Pod and Squad concept. Are they different or an identical concept?

what is the procedure to publish an article on AgileConnection

Now a day lots of Open Source Agile tool available in the market but i am confuse which Scrum Web Tool i use? i suggest some tool



2.Scrum Backlog Tool


We are migrating a slew of reports. I'd like to apply agile methodology for this process. I would you recommend I proceed?

I would like to publish an article in this AgileConnection. Please let me know the procedure for it.

my emailid is [email protected]

How do you go about planning the delivery for the year when you work with agile projects? I work in a supplier capacity and need to be able to roughly estimate deilvery dates for projects across the year and understand capacity. I'm new to agile as I've been working with waterfall and that does work easily with scheduling across multiple teams for the year. I'd appreciate any advice anyone could give.

How does Agile framewrok fit to IT Infrasructure projects?Traditional IT Infra projects have more in common with Waterfall way of working?

As QA manager I have created some of scenarios for Gmail integration testing. But Just wanted to know scenarios from other person point of view. Please help me out to know.

We are trying to figure out how to fit program mamangers into our first agile pilot. 

how to write a use case in simplified way

The company where I work for is adopting SCRUM as methodology for development processes. Then I have to figure out how apply testing in this methodology.

Project is to migrate end of life items like DB and Applications to Higher version .

team size is around 10 who does this migration 

migration require coordiantion with multiple stakehoders like dba , application owners , testers etc

how to implement scrum model for this kind of project where team migrate a set of db or end of life items in sprints


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