Design & Code


Embracing Agility: Trends to Enhance Your Software Embracing Agility: Trends to Enhance Your Software

Agile software development is constantly evolving to address the challenges of modern software development. This article explores some of the latest trends in agile development, including cloud-based infrastructure, online Scrum, containerization, DevOps, low-code/no-code tools, schema-less data, and serverless computing. These trends can help to make software development more efficient, scalable, and collaborative.

Deepak Vohra's picture Deepak Vohra
5 Types of Dependencies Slowing You Down (and How to Fix Them) 5 Types of Dependencies Slowing You Down (and How to Fix Them)

Agile teams aim for autonomy to deliver end-to-end solutions quickly. However, most organizations rely on interdependent teams, creating delays and bottlenecks. This article explores five types of dependencies: chain, stack, shared people, shared resources, and shared codebase. Each dependency type comes with its own challenges that impact delivery speed and quality.

Derk-Jan de Grood's picture Derk-Jan de Grood
Balancing Speed with User Needs: User-Centric Agile Development Balancing Speed with User Needs: How to Avoid Sacrificing Good UX in Agile Projects

User-Centric Agile Development integrates UX research and design into the agile process to ensure user needs are met throughout development. This article debunks myths about UX in agile and outlines strategies for achieving a balance between speed and user-centered design, emphasizing the importance of communication, user-value focus, and continuous improvement. 

Osemudiamen Ineomon's picture Osemudiamen Ineomon
CI/CD in Kubernetes with ArgoCD: A Practical Guide CI/CD in Kubernetes with ArgoCD: A Practical Guide

The intersection of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Kubernetes, and ArgoCD are a powerful synergy that can streamline development and deployment processes. The inherent ability of Kubernetes to manage, scale, and operate application containers is substantially enhanced by CI/CD workflows, leading to a dynamic and highly efficient software development lifecycle.

Gilad David Maayan's picture Gilad David Maayan

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